Empowering Innovation

Small Business Development Services

At Propel, we specialise in monetising your idea. With our range of idea commercialisation and venture consulting services, we can help you prepare your idea for investors and buyers, turning a dream into a small business, startup, venture or marketable asset.

Our services are governed by four basic principles that we have established as a framework for how we operate. These principles ensure we offer the innovators, inventors and entrepreneurs that we work with value with every interaction

The Four Principles of Our Venture Consulting Services at Propel

  • No-obligation, free initial consultations. Whether you require business consulting, idea monetisation or startup support services, we’re always happy to sit down and discuss your idea without any hassles.
  • From our initial proposal through every communication and all of the materials that we develop, we will provide a professional service.
  • Our method is to provide every client with clear value for money. When you work with Propel, we will greatly enhance the value of your idea.
  • Transparency is incredibly important to us. Any costs are carefully outlined in the quote we prepare for you before proceeding with any work, and all of our prices are fixed and reasonable.

Our services include Startup Support, Venture Consulting and Idea Monetisation, and Business Strategy. Contact us today to organise a free consultation, or learn how Propel can help commercialise your idea or launch a successful startup.